An Acupuncturist’s Take on John Coltrane

An Acupuncturist’s Take on John Coltrane

Ok. I have one last offering on the subject of the fall and its spiritual essence. I wanted to share with you one of my most spiritual possessions, John Coltrane’s incredible album,“A Love Supreme”. It would not be an overstatement to say that John Coltrane is one of...
Acupuncture, Lou Reed, and the Fall Energetic

Acupuncture, Lou Reed, and the Fall Energetic

What is the meaning of life? Why do we exist? What is death? Why should some people live while others are allowed to die? Why, after three to five millennia, haven’t humans been able to figure out life and death? Why haven’t I been able to completely let go of my...
Moving on from 9/11

Moving on from 9/11

  I got a lesson today in resilience and perseverance. Like most other people in the U.S., if not the world, September 11th still brings me sometimes unbearable sorrow. I replay the events of the day, the images, emotions, with the same immediacy as if it...
The Hangover Point

The Hangover Point

The point, ST 45, resides on the lateral side of the second toe (see photo). It’s name? “Hard Bargain”. But just so you don’t get the wrong idea about this point from its name, here are some other names the point goes by: Strict Exchange,...

Nelson Mandela

As I write this, Nelson Mandela is in critical condition, ailing from the tuberculosis he contracted while in prison. To this generation of young people, the mention of his name only conjures up lessons learned in their 10th grade history books. “I think he was...
The Hangover

The Hangover

The other day, a friend told me of a rather painful morning he spent recovering from an in illness he inflicted upon himself the night before. To be blunt, he had a hangover due to excessive alcohol consumption. He told me of the pain relievers he took, the water he...